Rafi Műnz - Food for Thought
Connecting to Chinese Metaphysics and a practical Way of Life

Feng Shui



Food for Thought



The Soul page
Worthy Connections

erfect Design

and Placement
are found in all of
Nature’s Creations.

Feng Shui
The art of
enhancing one's environment to their personality & needs.
This ancient wisdom is based on the logic of the order in which the universe functions.
The solar and lunar year’s cycles, the seasons of the year and
the specific cultural heritage of our society influence every newborn.
Everybody’s ancestors were “imprinted” this way, and their siblings, in turn,
inherited some of these traits and features in addition to their own unique ones.

We are affected physically and emotionally by our
immediate surroundings (home, garden, business etc.).
We can improve our situation and act towards further happiness
only in the fields that do not pertain to our inborn features.
Changing those outside conditions can influence our well-being
and happiness, once we emphasize and augment our basic "blue print".

A few changes (probably without moving to
another house or changing your parents…),
namely “reediting” your private space,
might enhance benefits surprisingly.
Feng Shui serves as a remedy that will, via changing
one or more factors of one’s surroundings,
initiate changes in the feelings, health and compatibility of its’ users.
More on this you will find under consultations &

 I apply
Classical Feng Shui, related to the 5 Transformations,
relying on the Form School, The Flying Stars technique
as well as analyzing the occupant's Ming Gua and their 9 Star Qi data.
All these lean on the house's position in relation to the magnetic North.

A handful of worthy connections to Feng Shui sites, articles & books
please find here

The English part of this site
Will be updated with

Items YOU chose.
So please


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